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December 14, 2020How A Dirty Pool May Give You Flu

Wondering how a dirty pool may give you flu? The flu is a chronic infection that not only affects the young population but also the aged. In as much as most people recover from it, those with a weaker immune system are at a higher risk.
A disadvantage of having a cold is that, it spreads rampantly. A large number of human beings enjoy swimming not bearing the side effects.
Cleanliness of the pool is vital because the risk of getting ill is high thus precautions should be there. Although most people assume the nature of the disease, it is very easy to be infected. Discussed are various ways one can get the flu.
Table of Contents
1. Lack of chlorine chemical

The chlorine chemical is important in that it helps kill the bacteria in the water body. Without it the possibility of anyone getting infected is broad. The chemical also betters the taste of the water as well as its smell. A young child happening to be swimming in water that isn’t disinfected is directly at risk of getting the flu.
Chlorine is best recommended as a disinfectant because it tends to work for a longer period than required. Lacking the chemical puts the health of the swimmers at risk. This is because the viruses and germs are in the water and may enter just anyone.
2. Holding a contaminated surface

With the large crowd of people, it is tiresome to monitor each one of their movement. Unfortunately at the beginning of the flu, the virus is incredibly active than can be spread anyhow.
The risk of children getting infected is high because they tend to get a hold of any surface. In addition to touching these surfaces, they even go to an extent of either touching their mouth or even nose.
3. Through saliva

The salivary droplets emitted through one’s mouth go a long way in contributing to the spread of flu. How do you ask? Through either sneezing or even coughing when in the water, leads to droplets landing on another person.
Saliva droplets go far up to 5 feet. That is why it is advisable to sneeze while covering up your nose and mouth.
4. After swimming breeze

As the temperature of the body changes while in the water and outside it, this ends up contributing to having flu. The body senses itchiness since the pool water is dirty and ends up scratching oneself. During this vulnerable moment, the body shivers because it is exposed to cold.
It is highly recommended by professional doctors that, after swimming the body should be kept warm so as to generate internal heat. However, swimming in dirty water not only causes flu but also other skin allergies.
5. Intake of germs orally

The germs are at higher risk of entering one’s body given the dirty environment. Once the virus is in your body, it takes less time for you to breathe it into your lungs and end up having a cold. The surrounding is a crucial matter when looking out for getting flu.
Need I mention that the possibility of the germs causing a different illness is high? An instance where one spits their own saliva into the pool isn’t rare or is it? Moreover, another person might consume the water by accident whether contaminated or not.
6. Swallowing the germs directly from infected person

By swallowing the germs, the viruses begin to fight backing making you sick. Mind you the water is dirty thus leading to excessive diarrhea. Once the virus enters to your lungs, the flu is quite rebellious and ends up spreading even faster.
Young children also contribute to contaminating the water by randomly urinating or even polluting gases.
How inconveniencing it will be for anyone who drinks it, yet it is not disinfected. The impacts of consuming dirty water are endless, diarrhea, stomach aches, and flu just to mention but a few.
7. Skin to skin physical attraction

Medical experts believe that the virus can be spread so easily even by speaking to the infected. All one does is breathing the same air as the person contaminating it with flu. Dirty water becomes a stable home for all the germs and viruses that with a slight touch, one is easily infected.
How A Dirty Pool May Give You Flu – Conclusion
In conclusion to all this, swimming pools attract diseases only when kept dirty therefore should always be clean. If such precautions are taken, there will be no outbreak.