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January 27, 2020
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January 27, 2020How to Maintain Proper Chlorine Levels in a Pool

What is Chlorine?
Chlorine is a concoction disinfectant, and is the vital substance used to cleanse and blanch pool water. Regularly, chlorine is an aggravation, however in modest quantities, it guarantee clear, clean, and safe pool water.
There are 3 parts of chlorine that we should quantify:
- Free Available Chlorine (likewise called lingering chlorine). This alludes to the measure of chlorine that is accessible for sterilization and sanitizing. This is the key estimation for pool water.
- Joined Chlorine. This alludes to “awful” chlorine–toxic, unfortunate chlorine that structure when free accessible chlorine drops.
- All out Chlorine. This just alludes to all chlorine, both free and joined chlorine.
First: Testing Chlorine
In the event that the measure of chlorine is excessively low, green growth and microscopic organisms will shape, and your pool can harbor hurtful germs. Pool water may get shady. An excess of chlorine will bring about eye, nose, and skin disturbance. Chlorine, in high sums, is cancer-causing.
Chlorine in pool water must be tested regularly. Twice a week testing is recommended. Follow these tips and tricks to ensure accurate chlorine readings:
Take water samples from a few feet below the surface.
Take water sample a few feet from the edge of the pool.
When pool water is warmer (summertime), the chlorine will become consumed at a higher rate. Cooler temperatures will slow the consumption of chlorine.
Clean your test kit vials like crazy–rinse them a few times to clear out any chemical residue.
Test kits degrade–make sure yours isn’t years old.
Pool supply stores test for free–in the hope that you’ll buy chemicals from them.
Want a great test kit? Get a Taylor Test Kit. Taylor kits are used by many professionals.
Adding Chlorine
If your test indicates that chlorine needs to be added to the pool, add
chlorine in the amounts indicated by the test results.
If you have an electric/salt system, raise the chlorination in steps, don’t raise it terribly high all at once–you might over-chlorinate.
Never, ever, put a chlorine “hockey puck” in a pool skimmer–the concentrated chlorine passes directly to your expensive pool equipment. Use a plastic floater.